Thursday, August 27, 2009

"The Leval-Shelay Devices", Part 2

(The second installment of the science fiction story I wrote in 8th grade English class. Part 1 here)

Devin thought nothing of this message because in the very modern village of Turner Hills, pretty much anything was possible. Maybe except for Devin’s life being normal. However, the phrase would turn out to have significance. On the screen now were two icons. One was contacts and the other was features. Under contacts was a list of everyone in Turner Hills. Some names were in blue while others were grey. He scrolled down to his family and saw that only his name was blue. He (correctly) assumed that the people whose names were in blue had activated their devices. He looked through the list, found a friend’s name in blue, and selected it. The screened flashed the word “connecting…” for a few seconds, and then Devin saw the face of his friend Nick.

Nick was one of the few people who wasn’t a jerk to Devin, and greeted him with an excited, “What’s up, Dev?”

Devin answered with “Nothin’ much. Except for these things that came in the mail!”

“Yeah, I was gonna ask you if you got one, but you called me before I could call you. I guess everyone got one.”

“That’s what I kinda thought. So Nick, what do you think Leval-Shelay means?”

“I’m not sure. It’s probably just peoples’ last names. I’m gonna see what this thing can do. Bye, Dev.”

“Bye, Nick.”

Devin held the device in his hand with a feeling that it was something truly special that would change his and others’ lives forever. He just didn’t know how.

(part 3 tomorrow)

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